New partner of the agency Media Market has become the project www.videoculture.cz which is the main project of the Medialog foundation.
Cajon workshops
MMAP organized jointly with association named “Rytmus-a-Jazz“ a set of rhythmic workshop whose are intended for all generations. Cajon workshops that are designed to development of the internal rhythm and dynamics of self, rhythmic relax, knowing their own rhythmic abilities and development of and of course for fun.
MMAP supports
MMAP supports: www.woodklang.cz . Percussions made in Czech Republic.
News: Cajons KLANGspiel
Persussions Woodklang
Cajons KLANGspiel, handmade in Germany
C kB kaBonga 30x20x30,5
C kBC kaBonga Cajon 30x20x30,5
MMAP - distributor KLANGspiel
The brand KLANGspiel means master manufacturer cajones, supplied mainly to the German market. They have smart structures, are well-tuned, fast sounded, voiced, bright and full of sound timbre. The KLANGspiel builds from the finest materials, manufactured exclusively in Germany, which guarantees the highest quality tools.
News 10.2.2012: Atrium Žižkov
Mma-prague “Partner of the month” in february 2012 became the concert hall Atrium, Prague, Zizkov. Special thanks to Mrs. Eva VEDRALOVÁ for many years, excellent cooperation. www.atriumzizkov.cz
News January 2012
Announcing the launch of new website in Czech. It is intended for concert workshop, "Rhythm and Jazz" short "Rhythm'N'Jazz. More at http://rytmus-a-jazz.webnode.cz/
MMAP´ s new partner - Toyota Louwman Praha
The company Toyota Louwman, Prague - Zličín became new partner of Media Market Agency Prague. Special recommendations: Mr. Vaclav Skála, departnent of sales new cars. tel: +420 257 089 950. http://www.toyota-louwman.cz
NEWS: DJ program „Rhythm into the Night“
DJ program „Rhythm into the Night“ je novinkou MMAP, uváděnou od podzimu 2011. Určena je pro párty a společenské akce. Program obsahuje tematické bloky hudby: 50-th & 60-th, 70-th & 80-th, World classic Pop and Disco, České hity, Oldies & Swing, Latin American music, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, atd.
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